Thanks for purchasing your coaching package!
I`m really grateful.
Let`s be honest. You are awesome!
High five *Slap*
In order for me to help you in the best way possible, let`s do the following:
1. Please download the pre-coaching call questionnaire. The more information you give me, the easier it will be for me to understand your situation and to give you the best tips possible.
Click here to download.
2. Send the questionnaire to me
3. I will get back to you and we will schedule a time that works for both of us 🙂
4. I will read through your answers and prepare before the coaching call on Skype
5. If you want, I will record the coaching call (and send you a copy of the recording).
I will do this for free. I highly recommend us to do this, since we will be covering a lot of good advices 🙂
6. When the call is finished, I will be sending you a copy of the recording.
So please fill out the questionnaire and send it to me:
I`m really looking forward to work with you!
Talk soon,