“Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed”
~Peter Drucker
You are a smart person, right?
Because you KNOW that the only two major constraints in your life and business that are holding you back are TIME and MONEY.
The funny thing is that those two constraints are intertwined.
What do I mean?
If you have no time, but money, you can always create more time by spending money on hiring extra help; expand your staff, hire consultants or outsource part of your tasks.
If you have no money, but time, you can always create more money by spending your time on income generating activities; get an extra job, sell your services as a consultant, start a new business or focus more time on income generating tasks in your existing business.
You might be thinking: “Okay, Tor, I get it. But what if I don`t have time nor money?”
Well, that is the million dollar question, isn`t it?
And the answer is…
*Drum roll*
You should start to create MORE TIME in your life, and if you want more money, you can spend that extra time to earn more money.
How do I know this?
Because I have done it myself.
So in other words…
if you know how to create more time, you will be able remove both major constraints, time and money, in your life and business
That is pretty cool, right?
Becoming more productive and being able to free up more time and leveraging your existing time, is one of the most skills that can literally multiply your success.
If you can become more productive, you can achieve more by working less and create the life you dream of (which you deserve).
So for this important topic, I had to bring in help from some of the best experts in their respected fields.
As you probably have guessed from the headline, 80 experts will share their wisdom with you.
Yes, you read correct, I said 80.
I asked them the following question:
What is your best productivity tip that you use in your business?
Note: this is definitely one of the best collections of expert productivity tips out there. When you see the contributors on this post, you will understand why.
If you don`t agree, send me an email and I will lash myself with a wet noodle. This post is over 13 000 words and you should bookmark this page for future reference.
Additional note: This blog post won the Most Epic category and got featured on Boost Blog Traffic.
When Glen Long, Managing Editor of Boost Blog Traffic, says that a post is truly epic.
Well…then it IS truly epic.
Note: Do you want this post with the 80 awesome experts as a PDF file?
Click on the image below to get the PDF file + my free eBook “Insane Productivity Hacks” showing you a step-by-step system to DOUBLE your productivity in 7 days.
If I were to give a proper introduction of all of the experts with all of their merits, the list of their achievements alone would surpass 13 000 words by far. I would definitely advise you to check out every single one of the experts.
Without further ado, here are the experts…
(Click on the links below to go directly to the experts.)
Neil Patel | Evan Carmichael | Yaro Starak | Joel Brown | Jaime Tardy
John Lee Dumas | Chris Ducker | Ian Cleary | Donna Moritz | Henneke Duistermaat
Scott Eddy | Meghan M.Biro | Laura Vanderkam | Craig Jarrow | Mike Vardy
Aaron Lynn | Mark Shead | Annie Mueller | Todd R.Tresidder | Jennifer Gresham
Jonathan Mead | Glen Long | Annemarie Cross | Jennifer Johnson | Ramsay Taplin
Pauline Cabrera | Farnoosh Brock | Martina McGowan | Ebong Eka | Brittany Bullen
Ryan Cruz | Stuart Walker | Henrik Edberg | Adam Connell | Sue Anne Dunlevie |
Jenna Dalton | Adrienne Smith | Sara Arrow | Primoz Bozic | Adam Binder
Marc Andre | Ryan Biddulph | Enstine Muki | Jaime Buckley | Sylviane Nuccio
Samar Owais | Andrea Beltrami | Anthony Metivier | Christian Karasiewicz | Ankit Oberoi
Brandon Schaefer | Dennis Seymour | Mandie Sanders | Pooja Lohana | Darren DeMatas
Harleena Singh | Carol Amato | Sonia Thompson | Sarah Peterson | Brent Jones
Kevin Duncan | Paul Back | Peter Banerjea | Matthew Loomis | Fabrizio Van Marciano
Deborah Tutnauer | Brandon Yanofsky | Lauren Tharp | Codrut Turcanu | Nathan Ambrose
Andrew Warner | Ash Read | Barry Moore | Jason Will | David Amerland
Matthew Capala | Erlend Bakke | Jomer Gregorio | Drew Briney | Luke Jordan
Neil Patel from NeilPatel
The best productivity tip I use in my business has to deal with emails. A lot of people spend countless hours in their inbox because they are inefficient.
To save time, don’t open up your emails unless you have time to respond. Otherwise you will end up reading the email, coming back to it later, reading it again, and then replying. By only reading emails when you have time to respond to them, you’ll save time because you won’t have to re-read the same email.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Productivity Tip 1: Don’t open up your emails unless you have time to respond. 79 more here:” quote=”Don’t open up your emails unless you have time to respond.”]
Evan Carmichael from EvanCarmichael
Chunk your time.
Things you do many times per day do once per day (email, social media, etc).
Things you do multiple times per week do one day per week (meetings, writing, etc.) It will add hours to your week every week and literally saved my business and my sanity.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Productivity Tip 2: Things you do many times per day do once per day. 79 more here:” quote=”Things you do many times per day do once per day.”]
Yaro Starak from Entrepreneurs-Journey
My number one technique is really two concepts combined, the 80/20 Rule and the Theory of Constraints.
I use the 80/20 Rule to identify the tasks that deliver the big results, and deliberately ignore the rest. This is key because being productive is just as much about what tasks you choose NOT to do, as it is what you do.
The Theory Of Constraints shows me what I am missing in order to complete a task or meet a goal. Once I know the most important goals thanks to the 80/20 Rule, the TOC then tells me what is missing to make those goals happen.
This combination means I am always focused on the most important tasks that lead to completing the most important goals.
The challenge is knowing what your 80/20 goals are and what are the constraints that are stopping you from completing them. Once you figure that out, everything else is easy because you know exactly what you need to do.
Everything is decided before you even start work – it’s all about what you choose to do!
[clickToTweet tweet=”Productivity Tip 3:Use the 80/20 Rule and the Theory of Constraints. 79 more here:” quote=”Use the 80/20 Rule and the Theory of Constraints.”]
Joel Brown from Addicted2Success
Manage your energy! From the moment you wake up to the moment you rest your head, if you want to be productive and efficient with execution in any area of your life, you must learn to manage your energy. Exercise, drinking plenty of water, keeping your stress levels down and meditating. Meditation is a great way to rebalance the levels of energy in your body.
Time is no longer the most important commodity, Energy is. Who has lived more fully? Someone who sits on a couch all day and lives to 100 years old? Or someone who dies at 80 and had enough energy, to travel the world, achieve their dreams and experience everything they possibly could while they were here and breathing?
Energy is the life force for effective productivity.
Jaime Tardy from Eventual Millionaire
I think the best productivity tip is doing the RIGHT things.
Time will slip away unless you know the actions that will provide the most impact to your business.
So first you need to know your goal and what you are aiming at. Once you do, I like to differentiate between active actions and passive actions. Active actions are the ones that PUSH you outside of your comfort zone towards that goal. Passive actions are all the other things. (Like email, and social media checking!) When you focus on ACTIVE actions then you’ll hit your goal faster and easier.
And that’s the whole point of productivity! 😉
John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneur On Fire
Schedule Once is by far the biggest time saver in my life. Being a Podcast host that interviews 8 Entrepreneurs a week, Schedule Once turns a potential scheduling nightmare into a simple email with a link, and takes care of follow up, reminders, and booking in the calendar of choice. LOVE it!
Chris Ducker from ChrisDucker
I have one very simple productivity rule that I have and it works brilliantly! It’s as simple as using your calendar properly. Bottom line, everything goes on my calendar. And I do mean everything – email time, social media time, thinking time, publishing time, everything. My rule of thumb is: If it doesn’t get scheduled, it doesn’t get done!
Ian Cleary from Razor Social
Use an editorial calendar for blogging. It’s very difficult to be successful on social media without a blog but it can be the most time consuming part to social media.
An editorial calendar helps you plan out your content and assign out any tasks related to the content. By planning and scheduling the content there are many advantages:
Planning will reduce time you spend on blogging
It will ensure you have more variety to the content you produce
It will help when there are multiple team members involved.
A great editorial tool to use is CoSchedule.
Donna Moritz of Socially Sorted
The best way that I have found to stay productive is to focus on one thing at a time and quit multi-tasking. Focusing on “one thing” enables me to get bigger projects done without getting distracted. A number of small actions help with this:
– Block booking any consultations, podcasts or interviews into one or two mornings a week. I was finding that I was getting very distracted from task-switching when jumping from a podcast interview to working on a project. When I started blog booking my appointments using V-Cita or Calendly, it freed up my time and made me more focused and in “the zone” for interviews.
-Using Google Calendar to allocate blocks of time to different activities such as interviews, program development, blogging. Then I would enter in specific tasks within those blocks of time. It really helps when planning projects and launches.
– Batch my blogging, visual content creation and social media posts. This was a game changer. By batching my blog posts or social media posts I had more time to engage with people, and work on other projects that bring in revenue.
-Switch off social media platforms (and sometimes literally taking the apps off my phone) when I need to stay really focused.
I’m not perfect… sometimes I stray, but having even some of these strategies in place makes a huge difference to my productivity levels (and reduces overwhelm!).
Henneke Duistermaat from Enchanting Marketing
Productivity is about doing more things that give me energy and fewer energy-sucking tasks. Rather than try to cram as much work as possible into my to-do list, I think about my working hours and wonder: (A) What would I like to do with these hours? And (B) What would benefit my business most?
The key to productivity is setting the right priorities – working on tasks that you enjoy and that benefit your business.
Scott Eddy from MrScottEddy
The best tip I can give is to know what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are. I do not get close to things that I know I am not good at, I find people that are way smarter than me, and then let them get it done. When someone thinks they can do anything, that is dangerous territory, and is a recipe for disaster.
Meghan M.Biro from Talent Culture
Don’t be afraid to try out new technology and productivity tools to help you and your team to stay on track (and on the same page.) Focus on what you enjoy in business and in life – this will help you to stay productive and prioritize what you need to focus on right now.
In addition, motivating and fostering a strong company culture is key to make your organization a productive one.
Laura Vanderkam from LauraVanderkam
I make sure to plan my week before I’m in it. Each Friday, I look at what’s on my calendar, and think about what are my professional and personal priorities, and what needs to happen to move me toward my goals. It’s hard to start new projects on Friday afternoons, so doing this planning then turns what could be wasted time into productive time. Also, by planning on Friday, I can relax on the weekend knowing there’s a plan for Monday. Then when I hit Monday, I know what I’m doing so I don’t waste productive morning time deciding. I’m ready to go!
Craig Jarrow from Time Management Ninja
Saying No to Get More Done
Most people have a hard time saying “No” in their business. In fact, most people will say “Yes” to a request, even if it keeps them from getting their own work done.
You need to be able to “Say No” in three major areas:
Interruptions – Don’t let email, instant messages, or the phone interrupt you. Close that email client, turn off the notifications, and silence your phone. I go to the extreme that I won’t even answer calls from numbers not in my address book.
Appointments – Just because you received an invite doesn’t mean you have to say “Yes” to that meeting. Decline appointments that are not worth your time, or conflict with your priorities. Beware meetings that have no agenda or should be a quick conversation vs. a get together.
Obligations – It can be tempting to say “Yes” when people ask for favors. However, you can’t take on other people’s work if you aren’t getting your own done.
Saying “No” in your business isn’t about being rude. It’s about being productive and getting work done.
Mike Vardy from Productivityist
I’d say that working according to mode more than anything else has been a real game-changer for me and my business. Instead of focusing on working by project – or even action – I look at my tasks based on mode (Writing Mode, Email Mode, Planning Mode, Home Mode) so that my mindset is better connected to the tasks I need to complete.
In addition, I tether those modes to the map of my day and my plans for the week and beyond. I allocate themes to every day of the week and those themes help inform what my overarching focus should be for that day based on best practices and desired work and lifestyle. For example, I tend to tackle most of my administrative tasks on Thursdays because that is when the theme of the day is Admin. So I’ll look at all the tasks across multiple projects that have the Admin Mode tag/label and work on those things. I have found that by giving your brain waypoints like daily themes and modes that you can use to steer yourself and your life in the right direction, your overall effectiveness, efficiency and quality of life will improve in a big way.
Nice and simple:
Write your to do list the night before.
This may seem simple, but it lets your subconscious work on what you have planned as you sleep, and you’ll wake up the next morning full of purpose and momentum – and that leads to a VERY productive day.
The most powerful tip I know for productivity is this: Stop doing stuff that isn’t valuable. So much of what people do in attempting to be productive involves just trying to fit more low value tasks into the same amount of time. Being productive means accomplishing more with the same or less effort. What is valuable is different from person to person and it also depends on your stage in life. There was a time where mowing my own lawn was valuable to me and there may be a time in the future when it will be again. Right now it isn’t and I hire someone to mow. Hiring someone to do tasks for you is one way to stop doing tasks, but so is getting rid of things that eat up your time or declining events and activities. You don’t need to become a hermit, delete your Facebook account and get rid of all your stuff, but you have to recognize that your time is a very limited resource. Spending it on things and people that are valuable to you is one of the most important pieces of being productive.
Annie Mueller from Freakishly Productive
The shift that has helped my productivity most is to change my mindset. As long as I identify myself as a victim of whatever interrupts my productivity –whether that is my kids, or spouse, or emails, or whatever–then I remain helpless to overcome it. I have no power, I am subject to what happens in a day, and my productivity remains out of my hands. It took me a while to see that taking responsibility is taking power. It’s taking control. And ultimately it means gaining freedom. When I focus on the power I have over my own choices and responses, I gain conscious control again, and I can determine my own path: freedom.
Many people don’t realize that they are taking the victim role. We do it automatically, because it is easier to blame than to look hard at our own choices. It takes courage to think through the circumstances and focus on our own mistakes, not so we can beat ourselves up, but so we can decide how to do it differently next time… and, most importantly, realize we have the power to do it differently. Taking responsibility means facing your fear, and fear is the thing that messes up our thinking more than anything else.
Todd R.Tresidder from Financial Mentor
Below is my favorite time management tip that few people follow…
Do the hard stuff first. Think of the one thing that will have the biggest, positive impact on your business and start your day working on it. Don’t clear emails first or make phone calls or do anything else that is comfortable or easy. They will all get done anyway. Instead, start with the hard stuff. The big projects that have big impact. Think of the one thing that will move the ball forward the most and make it the top priority – every day. When you accomplish that big, difficult project then everything else will be easy.
Jennifer Gresham from Everyday Bright
Productivity doesn’t happen, can’t happen really, without clarity. You need a clear idea of the outcomes you want to produce and the strategies that will get you there. When I find myself spinning my wheels it is nearly always because I haven’t taken the time to get clear on those two things. For example, when I was trying to grow my business, I jumped from one strategy to the next without much luck–strategies that didn’t play to my strengths, that I wasn’t excited about implementing, and didn’t relate well to the outcomes I wanted. I wasted a year trying to duplicate someone else’s success, then catapulted my earnings more than 5x within a month after stepping back and getting clear on what would really move the needle forward. Productivity, in my mind, is the flower of strategy.
Jonathan Mead from Paid To Exist
Choose to do projects that make you come alive. Do what you can’t not do, so that the motivation and inspiration makes it hard for you to stop, not hard to get started.
Glen Long from Boost Blog Traffic
At Boost Blog Traffic we’re a small, distributed team and since no two people are in the same location (and most are in different time zones) it can be tricky to keep track of what everyone is doing. This sometimes leads to duplication of effort or time spent working on problems others have already solved.
So we’re putting a big emphasis on tools this year: Slack instead of email for team communication, Asana for task management and basic planning, and Google Drive for content collaboration. It’s all tied together with a company wiki that describes our best practices for the various tools we use.
Annemarie Cross from AnnemarieCross
I’m the first admit that I can easily become distracted and unproductive IF I let myself, so I have compiled a number of strategies I follow on a daily basis to ensure tasks get done.
Here’s what I do as part of my Productivity Ritual:
1. Remove any and all distractions, which includes social media, emails and phones (Gasp! Yes, you read correctly – shut it all down).
2. Identify the time of day you are at your best and schedule important tasks that require your full concentration during that time. For me, mornings are when I am at my best, which is when I work on writing articles and other content creation projects.
3. Batch similar tasks together. For instance I’ll batch all of my writing and creative tasks together in the morning, all of my follow up phone calls later in the day, and checking emails and responding as necessary at certain times of the day. Doing this enables me to ‘get in the flow’ and maintain my momentum.
4. Set a timer for 30 minutes and work uninterrupted during that time frame. You’ll be surprised just how much you can get done in such a short amount of time.
5. No multitasking – EVER! I learned this lesson the hard way after accidently deleting my entire website with one click of a button, when working on several tasks and not concentrating. Never again. (Thank goodness for backups).
There you have it; five steps to keep you focused and on-track to knock your productivity goals – out of the park, every time!
Jennifer Johnson from Coaches Connection Academy
As busy entrepreneurs driven to build our business, we can tend to get boggled down with so many needs, and get so stuck in the busy-ness of all the details required in running a business, that we fall into overwhelm. Whether it is the behind the scenes, such as marketing, networking & connecting and follow ups, or the seemingly never ending emails and social media postings…then, of course, there are all the details necessary for providing great service and taking excellent care of your clients. There always seems to be ‘one more thing’ on the to-do list…or one more thing that didn’t make it to the ‘to-do’ list.
While I have systems for each of these components (thank goodness!) Even with systems, you need a simple ‘master system’, to manage the flow of your smaller, individual systems. My answer is Planner Pad! It is a hub for all you thoughts, post it notes, meetings, follow-ups, goal setting, and expense tracking all in one organized space. It acts as a funnel system, which visually lays everything out clearly so you can be your best!
My business is made up of multiple components, each one very much like its own business, and I also am blessed to have time to give back as a volunteer with a couple of great organizations. My Planner Pad has been the best thing ever for me! Check it out for
yourself at www.plannerpads.com
Ramsay Taplin from Blog Tyrant
The best thing I ever did for the productivity of my business was work hard to find good people to outsource to. In fact, it took me well over two years of trial and error until I found the right person! Now, however, whenever I need a new design or coding job I can just shoot a quick email and it’s done in minutes.
For example, in my guide on how to start a blog I go over dozens and dozens of tasks a new blogger might need to do. If you’re a total beginner it might take you a week. But if you spend $100 you could hire someone to set it all up for you in less than a day.
I think part of being productive is focusing on what you are good at and not wasting time trying to learn every different aspect of your business. Find other experts to help you with that.
Pauline Cabrera from TwelveSkip
My best productivity tip? Write a weekly or daily to-do list but be sure to be realistic. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Just put down what you can do for a week or for a day, and be specific.
I use a paper planner to write my to-do lists and an iPhone to create reminders. This way I can better track of my progress and my schedule.
Having a “to-do” list in front of me is my way to encourage myself to get things done, thus become more productive. When I see a list that I have to do, I always feel like I have to focus and do it because I’m excited to see the outcome, and I don’t want any feelings of regret later.
So make it a habit to write down a “to-do” list every day or every week instead of wasting your energy trying to remember the things you need to complete.
Farnoosh Brock from Prolific Living
Are you obsessed with getting less sleep so you can secretly brag about it? The person who sleeps 4 hours a night is not a hero. Sleep loss can lead to serious health issues, loss of focus, and according to WebMd, it dumbs you down! Ouch!
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve tried every hack to sleep less over the years, and now that I am getting enough sleep, my productivity has doubled! Doubled!! I love my waking hours just like you, and yes, I do wish that we needed less sleep so we could participate longer hours in life, but that’s not up to us to change, and if you force yourself to sleep less, it catches up sooner or later.
Commit to getting enough sleep and be proud of it. And trust the rested happy body to give back with focus and productivity.
Martina McGowan from MartinaMcGowan
There are two key things that I focus on, and a great deal flows from the. The first is, self-management. Self-management means presenting my best, authentic self in all situations. Knowing myself well- highs/ lows, peaks/ valleys, most (and least) productive times of day, how to sense and make adjustments for fatigue and negativity. It is about managing me- my time, my moods, my focus and attention, as well as life’s distractions.
Ebong Eka from EbongEka
My life changed once I realized the importance of my time and productivity. I write a daily to do list, which is done by many, but I directly align each task with my intended outcome. So I only do things that are related to a measurable goal. As Dan Pena, the 50 Billion Dollars man says, “what can be measured gets accomplished. The other thing I do is set blocks of time to accomplish longer tasks – I put my phone in a box (in the car). In addition, I disable the Internet or I go to a secluded place. I believe there’s happiness and pleasure in progress. I tend to get momentum when I accomplish tasks regardless of how small or minor they appear to be. Too many people work for the sake of working and fall prey to minutiae activities. This is why I align my actions with a specific and intentional goal.
Brittany Bullen from BrittanyBullen
My new favorite thing is Boomerang Calendar for Gmail.
What this tool allows me to do is view my availability and schedule meetings from my inbox instead of having to open a separate window. I can also suggest possible meeting times within the body of an email and when the recipient clicks the time they want, we both receive a calendar invite so I don’t have to enter the appointment manually. So basically, I now have a robot-secretary! Pretty cool.
Ryan Cruz from Traffic Salad
Actually I have two tips that I’ve constantly used but they are closely related.
1. Make time for your business – We all have 24 hours a day, and it’s important that I invest at least 1 hour a day for my business. And that 1 hour in business doesn’t include browsing “viral” stuff on the web (which could be a big productivity killer!)
2. Have a systemized step-by-step plan for every business process that I have. – I constantly tweak a step-by-step plan for almost every aspect of my business. If I’m going to start a “new blog” or website, I already have a checklist of things to do (and tweak as necessary). If I’m going to do a promotion, I also have a list of set of checklist that I follow. I’ve found that this has saved me a lot of time and has helped me become more productive.
The second tip is, understanding the real desired goal or aim. There are always many things going on, and not everyone is on the same page about what needs to be done. There are many paths that can lead to the expected, or hoped-for outcome. But, you must know where you are trying to go or what you are trying to achieve ultimately. Stay prepared to broaden your thinking. Be ready for change, or a shift in perspective.
Stuart Walker from Niche Hacks
The best thing I’ve found is to lay out my goals for the year, break those down into quarterly achievements I’d like to hit then work out what I have to do each week / day to get that done. Then break it down into a small list of daily tasks and schedule them on Google Calendar to have them mailed to me every day.
It tells me exactly what I have to do so I can just get on with it. Don’t always stick to doing my lists but if I’ve not plan like that I end up forgetting what I should be doing and do nothing.
Henrik Edberg from Positivity Blog
My tip would be to just take one small step forward at a time. And to focus 100% on that small step and nothing else.
This is, in my experience, one of the most effective ways to reduce the pressure and the expectations you may put on yourself and to start moving out of standing still or procrastination. Plus, by being fully focused on that small step with less pressure on yourself you’ll do a better job too.
It may not sound like much but these small steps quickly add up.
Adam Connell from Blogging Wizard and Purcus
Choose the right time to manage your emails.
Email is the first thing some people check when they get up. The issue with this is that you start each day on someone else’s terms.
Sure, if your job revolves around responding to email (e.g. customer support) then there’s no way around this. But if that isn’t the case, it’s worth blocking out some time in the afternoon to manage emails.
This will ensure that your day is focused around what you need to do, not what other people need you to do.
Sue Anne Dunlevie from Successful Blogging
I use Evernote as an additional memory bank! I can capture my blog post ideas and synch them over all my devices so I can always jot down my potential headlines and topics when I’m out and about.
I prefer to keep my to-do list in a moleskin notebook (old school style). But I can take a picture of any of my pages with the CamScanner app for Android and save them to Evernote.
Evernote is the best thing to happen to my productivity. They also have cool accessories and notebooks that you can get on Evernote Market.
Jenna Dalton from JennaDalton
In order to make sure I’m staying as productive as possible, and actually reaching my goals, I create 90 day plans for myself. I decide what 1-3 big goals I want to accomplish in the next 90 days, and then I tackle them by breaking up what I need to do into smaller goals.
I also only focus on two-four weeks at a time. So even though I know what goals I want to accomplish in the next 90 days, I only focus on what I need to do in the next two-four weeks in order to help make that goal happen. It’s less overwhelming that way and if I try to plan out the whole 90 days, things will inevitably change and I’d feel frustrated by having to start my plan all over. So I get to pivot and adjust as I go along by just focusing on a couple weeks at a time.
So say I had a goal to get 1,000 more subscribers on my email list in the next 90 days. I’d decide what I needed to do for the next two-four weeks to help make that happen. Then once I reach the end of those two-four weeks, I’d decide what I need to do for the next two-four weeks to help me reach my goal. And so on.
This helps me stay focused so I’m not jumping around trying a bunch of different things. I know what I want to accomplish, and I break it down into bite-size pieces that I know I can accomplish over the course of two-four weeks. And then, by the end of the 90 days, I’ve been able to reach my goals (or get pretty darn close) because I went about it in a strategic way and stayed focused instead of manically trying a bunch of random tactics and not really getting anywhere.
Adrienne Smith from AdrienneSmith
I’m a very organized person plus I have a very high work ethic with attention to detail. When I’m working on something I’m very focused so I never really have any distractions unless someone decides to come over without calling, etc. I never keep any programs open while working that don’t have anything to do with what I’m trying to accomplish at the moment.
I write everything down that I need to do for the day in a notebook that I keep on my desk. I do it the old school way, I just find that works best for me. I don’t like everything stored online. I check everything off that I accomplish during the day and then I prepare the next day before I shut things down for the night.
Sara Arrow from Sark e-Media
My best productivity tip is to time your activities so you know exactly how long it takes to do something. Most people underestimate the time when it comes to online activities and that makes it easier to run out of time! I know that replying to an email is roughly 3 minutes, writing a blog post is 60 minutes, checking Twitter is 15 minutes. This means I can do these tasks when I have enough time. I’d rather have 90 minutes and then start a blog post than try to write one in 30 minutes. Knowing how long it takes to do something is vital to being productive and planning your time accordingly.
Primoz Bozic from Skyrocket Your Productivity
What helps me get the work done consistently, is making it fun and exciting. TO-DO lists and organizing systems are all great, but if you really want to get something done, you need to be excited about doing it. That’s why I often work from coffee shops and rooftop bars – I love sipping a caramel frappuccino while writing a blog post, and I always look forward to going there.
Adam Binder from Creative Click Media
One of the best ways I’ve found to hit the ground running is to start by planning the night before. Before I go to bed every night I take ten minutes or so to look over the next day’s projects and other commitments. I ask myself questions like “What appointments can’t be missed?” and “What do I need to have with me for those appointments?” I also rehearse any talking points I may be unsure of and make sure I have all materials I will need ready to go so I’m not scrambling to get ready in the morning.
Next, I prioritize and delegate. I ask myself “What three to five tasks absolutely must get done today?” After deciding what I’ll do first I Look at my to-do list and decide whether any tasks on it can be delegated to someone else, or, even better, crossed off the list altogether.
The busier I anticipate my day will be, the more care and detail I put into the plan. By doing this I waste no time in the morning deciding where to start, or gathering materials. I also feel more confident in my meetings having slept on the plan all night.
Marc Andre from Profit Blitz
I use a weekly and daily to-do list that helps me to stay on task and always know what I should be working on. At the end of each week I make a list of all the tasks I need to get done during the following week. Then at the end of each day I go through that list and set a to-do list for the next day. If something on my list doesn’t get finished I move it to the next day or the next week.
When I first left my full-time job and started working for myself full-time I found that one of my biggest challenges was knowing exactly what I should be working on and how I should be using my time. I wound up wasting a lot of time or working on things that weren’t important or urgent because I didn’t have a set plan. But once I started using my current system of a weekly and daily to-do list I found that I always knew what needed my attention and I get much more done.
Ryan Biddulph from Blogging From Paradise
Spending 1 hour daily BEFORE I touch my laptop or tablet, working on my mindset, helps me move into productive, effective action. The old me ran around in paradise like a chicken with its head cut off, doing a bunch, but doing little effectively. The new me sharpens the ax for an hour, before I attempt to cut down the tree. Hone your tools; don’t use force to get the job done, use power.
Enstine Muki from EnstineMuki
We have too much noise around and that definitely perturbs productivity. I think my best productivity tip is clearing away this noise. This will allow you to focus and the result is a great deal of boosted output.
I’m thinking of social media distraction, Television, mobile phones, friends and families, exposed office environment, etc. It’s quite easy for one to engage in some work with Social Media pages opened, the TV or Radio Set on, without realizing how far these distractions go to slow down progress. Once you create for yourself a more quite and entertainment-free environment, there is inevitably going to be an improvement in productivity.
Jaime Buckley from Wanted Hero
People think I’m crazy–but the best productivity tip I can think of is having “me” time every morning.
As a father of 12, silence is a luxury – so from 3am to 7am the world and it’s elusive tranquility belongs to me. I use my time to focus, meditate, do some yoga, pray and relax in a hot shower before anyone else in the house wakes up. No rushing, no interruptions and best of all…I can plan my day stress free.
Ideas flow without compulsory means and that allows me to pinpoint the ‘most’ important things to accomplish each day. This habit has consistently helped me exceed my daily goals, while maintaining a happy and empowering work environment.
Sylviane Nuccio from SylvianeNuccio
I have several productivity tips that I’m trying my best to apply to my day-to-day work, but if I had to give the best one of all, I would say that it’s scheduling tasks on paper.
It doesn’t matter if you use a hard copy notebook or a digital scheduler (use whatever works best for you), but it’s of vital importance that you write each and every task of the day, at least the previous evening.
I am still very much a hand writer, so I like to use hard copy notebooks, because I don’t have to go to a specific window of my computer to look at my notes. They are right there in front of me at all times, and I glance at them often.
This is how I use my schedule:
1) I write the items that need to be taken care of in order of importance.
For example, answering your question today was #2 on my list.
2) I make sure I complete each step before I move on to the next.
At times you’ll be tempted to move on to the next task before you’re finished with what you have on hand, but try not to do that, because it’s a time waster.
3) I check out each step as they are being completed, and make a point to have them all checked out before I go to bed that day.
Consider your day not over, until you’ve completed all your tasks. Once you’re done with your list, you feel great.
Samar Owais from SamarOwais
Schedule more time for your tasks / projects / deadlines than you think you need. It’s a trick I learned from my iPhone and interestingly, it had nothing to do with my business.
I was saving the details of my daughter’s school concert on my calendar when it asked me how long it would take me to reach my destination. I thought, hey, that’s a useful reminder. But then – and this is where the epiphany happened – it asked me how long before I was scheduled to leave for the concert did I want to be reminded of it?
So not only did I need to plan for the travel time, but I also needed to plan for the time it would take me to get ready. I was shocked to realize that I’d blocked 90 minutes before the concert in all this. 30 minutes to get ready, 30 minutes of travel time, and I wanted to get their 30 minutes early to get decent seats.
I had very unrealistically scheduled client calls during those 90 minutes without realizing I’d run late if I took them. Ever since then, I give myself more time that I think I need for every task that’s on my to-do list.
We tend to fool ourselves into thinking we can do things on time. But life has a way of getting in the way. So do your business a favor and instead of crowding your day with tasks you think you’ll be able to accomplish – just give yourself more time and move a few things from your to-do list to some other day. Your business and clients will thank you for it.
Andrea Beltrami from The Branded Solopreneur
It’s not multi-tasking that increases productivity it’s planning. Planning is the ‘awesome’ in the secret sauce to success in the context of productivity. Your ability to maximize your time in a day, week, month and year in the most productive ways is directly correlated to your planning prowess.
One way to maximize the power of planning and cut down on the time a task takes is to group similar tasks together. Another words, to batch things up. For instance, I create 1 month worth of blog posts {that 4 posts for me} at a time, which usually takes me around 5 days.
It goes a little something like this:
-I outline all the topics
-I research the SEO
-I write all of the copy
-I schedule the post
-I create all of the visual content
-I create and schedule the blog posts in WordPress
-I setup and schedule the posts on social media
-I write and schedule the emails
-And so on and so forth
Instead of going through this process each week I batch things together and get a month worth of work done in less than a week. This frees up the rest of my month to promote that content, connect and engage with others and tackle the next project on my to do list. Productivity is all about efficiency!
By doing each task in batch mode it allows me to effortlessly stay in a zone (i.e. I need to be in a different mind space to write than I do when designing visual content) and not waste time fluttering between different tasks that require different grooves.
Batching my work and tasks has also helped me create systems and processes for my frequent and repetitive tasks. Systematizing tasks has dramatically decreased the hours it takes me to accomplish things, not to mention it’s quite a bit easier to outsource tasks to an assistant, as there’s now a proven framework to follow.
We all have 24 hours in our day no matter what we do. It’s not about trying to get more hours, it’s about using the ones we have wisely. Efficiency, baby!
Anthony Metivier from Magnetic Memory Method
My go-to productivity process is time-tracking. It’s an inverse to-do list that shows when I started a task and when I ended it. At the end of the day, I have a clear picture of where my time went and where it needs to go. Without any fancy app and only a journal and a pen, time-tracking creates focus, metrics for analysis and self-accountability. It’s beautiful.
Christian Karasiewicz from Christian K Online
When I first started blogging about my business, I used to spend a lot of time creating each new post. This led to a lot of wasted time because I would be writing the same sections over and over. Now I have a template that I use whenever I’m starting a new article. This template includes all of the items I normally need to fill in for each new piece of content – title ideas, SEO information, intro, body, conclusion and so on. By using a template this has saved me countless hours in productivity because I don’t have to start from scratch each time and I have more time I can devote to other parts of my business.
Bonus Tip: If you want to make this an even easier process, in addition to creating a template, I also use aText, a TextExpander alternative that let’s me create a keyboard shortcut that populates this information.
Ankit Oberoi from AdPushup
Asking myself a simple question at the end of each day, every day: “What have I accomplished today?” You are your best critique. So I ask myself this question, put this in a daily log and rate my performance. This helps me in focusing on being more productive.
Brandon Schaefer from 90 Day Entrepreneur
The best productivity tip that I use in my business is recycling my old content in a strategic manner. This doesn’t mean throwing spaghetti up against the wall… it means having a plan.
For example, when I publish an article on LinkedIn, I’ll share the LinkedIn post on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and back on LinkedIn as an update. Then, a few weeks later, I’ll go back and share my initial corresponding Google+ post on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter… thus cross-promoting my social channels as well as my legacy content.
By doing this… my audience is constantly being exposed to my other social channels. Most people post on their social channels just looking to drive traffic back to their blog, while I get people to view my content, as well as follow me on my other social channels at the same time.
Think about it for a few minutes… what I’m talking about will sink in… and you’ll get a better understanding of how this strategy will directly benefit your productivity.
Dennis Seymour from LeapFroggr
Like any entrepreneur, I’ve been experimenting with productivity styles for years! I’ve drowned myself in productivity blog posts, books about habits and even tested endless apps.
Today, I’m pretty much set with my Things app (which syncs to my Mac, iPad and iPhone) combined with a Pomodoro app.
It helps me focus on one thing and get that done!
It doesn’t stop there though, I found out that building a habit before the actual work takes place, makes me focus more and allows me to get more things done.
So I now wake up early and start my routine:
– Brushing my teeth
– Do a 5 Minute Journal entry
– Do a some kind of workout (or 75+ kettlebell swings)
– Brewing my cup of coffee (with blackstrap molasses)
– Meditation (using Headspace at the moment)
– Arrange my task list for the day
– Start the timer and GO!
I’ve come to accept over the years that certain tasks will take the whole day and often times, you won’t finish your task list EVEN if you “WANT” to finish it all.
Realistically, you will only get to finish a few major tasks a day that are directly dependent on your contribution and there’s no need to get depressed. This is why planning something realistic at the start of the day is so important.
Now, going back to the routine, the main reason for this is to condition my mind to get ready. If you do something over and over again, it becomes a habit. This habit basically tells my brain that “It’s time, let’s get it on!” and that helps me focus on the primary tasks for the day. On good days, you can finish the bulk of really important tasks before lunchtime!
PS. No emails until afternoon or night time unless your life depended on it (in most cases, it doesn’t.)
Mandie Sanders from Rambling Mandie
Be self-aware. Know when your mind is at its sharpest and work on your hardest tasks then. Experts say you’re supposed to start your mornings slowly, but my brain wakes up at full-speed and turns to mush by mid-afternoon, so I’m usually at my computer working by 5am and done by 3.
Speaking of working at computers, there’s a huge correlation between physical activity and brainpower. I find that getting up every hour or two and doing some jumping jacks or crunches – anything to get the blood flowing – really helps with focus and energy.
I also think it’s important to be protective of your down time. I take at least one day a week off completely – no phone, no email and no work I don’t feel like doing. It’s way too easy these days to feel constantly plugged in and that leads to burnout faster than anything.
Pooja Lohana from Damn Fine Writing
My best productivity tip is to use a simple notepad and follow what it says. Nothing fancy, the good old pen and paper notepad will do. Although I test and work with numerous productivity tools and understand they have their place, those two are the only things I really need. Each evening before I leave my desk for the day, I create a list of 4-6 items in my trusty notepad. I tackle these tasks the next day, in that order (or not). I’ve made this a ritual for my evenings because it saves me from a lot of foggy thinking and make the most of it when my brain is ready in “let’s get this done” mode. Allows me to dive straight into things that matter.
Darren DeMatas from Intertwine Marketing
My best productivity tip has got to be setting a timer and focusing on a single task at a time.
For a long time, I suffered from Chronic Clicking, a symptom of multitasking. I paid too much attention to my to do list and tried to get it all done. Clicked here. Clicked there. Before I knew it, I spent most of my day clicking around, without accomplishing anything significant.
Looking at a long list of (past due) tasks was not the best way for me to start my day. It caused panic and a great deal of stress. I was micromanaging my tasks, but not managing my time at all.
Recently, I came to the conclusion that I needed to maximize my time. You can’t manage what you can’t track. So before I do anything, I estimate how long I think it will take. Then I use Tick to track my actual time. The next time I have a similar task, like writing a blog post – I try to do it a little faster.
When the timer is running, I only focus on what I am working on. I eliminate all distractions and multitasking temptations. It takes a while to get in the zone, and once I am there I don’t want to be distracted.
Once I hit a wall in productivity, I got serious about my time management. If you want to get more done, you have to figure out what works best for you.
Harleena Singh from Aha-Now
I use a few productivity tips, so let me share the important ones with you 🙂
My usual workday starts early and I make use of the most creative time, which is early morning. This is also the time when my kids are away at their school and college. Being a mom and homemaker, this works in my favor.
I prioritize my tasks by taking up the ones that need utmost attention, and leave the rest for later. Creating a list the night before of the most important tasks to take up the next morning helps a lot here.
When I work, I block out all kinds of distractions. There are no other tabs open, except the ones I need, which means no social media, no emails – just nothing while I work. Just turn it all off and think, plan and write. You’re fully focused and see results this ways.
Avoid multi-tasking, and take up one task at a time. You’d be able to accomplish it more effectively and efficiently. Of course, this is for any online work! Offline work, being moms, we are known for multi-tasking. 🙂
Take frequent breaks to avoid being overwhelmed and feeling stressed out. Get up and move around, exercise, cook, listen to music – anything to give you a break!
You might like to read my post about how to stay focused.
Carol Amato from CarolAmato
We’ve all been led to believe that multi-tasking was the way to achieve the most in any given day, and that developing this skill would ensure that we’d achieve higher productivity. Not so! There’s definitely a time and a place for multi-tasking, but not in growing an online business, in my opinion.
The best productivity tip that I use in my business is – doing ONE thing, focusing on that one PRIORITY so as to complete it successfully (with an emphasis on quality), and then going on to the next important task. I think reading “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan is a must.
Bonus Tip: Taking more time off the computer to enjoy life and actually live out my ‘Why’ has been another reason my productivity has skyrocketed. I feel more alive when I come back to the computer, I’m more focused, and my senses are tuned into knocking out the next important task to achieve my goals. The result is a renewed clarity of mind, which only helps me achieve more – while working less.
Sonia Thompson from TRY Business
My best productivity tip is super old school. It’s a simple, handwritten to-do list. When I have a to-do list that I write out at night, I’m laser focused, and super productive the following day. There’s just something about being able to check off tasks that brings me a sense of satisfaction.
The nightly to-do list works even better when it’s linked to my monthly, and subsequent weekly goals. That way, the tasks that I focus on each day aren’t done in isolation. I do them, knowing how they fit into the bigger picture of what I need to accomplish over the long-term.
Sarah Peterson from Unsettle
Since I started working for myself, I have found it quite difficult to stay productive all day. But I recently began to use the Pomodoro technique to organize my day and increase my productivity and it really, really works. I’ve found myself more focused in 25 minutes than I ever have been and the amount I get done in a day has increased significantly.
Brent Jones from Brent Jones Online
The answer for me is simple: write down everything.
Between balancing my freelancing business, blogging, and Internet marketing, many of my days extend well into the morning. There’s a lot to balance, including different projects, deadlines, daily tasks, follow-ups, and more.
While there are a number of digital tools that make many of these to-dos simpler to automate, such as AWeber, Hootsuite, and Google Calendar, there is still much that requires my attention. Without having a notebook to track and prioritize everything that must be done, day-by-day, I would be lost.
I also have a large whiteboard mounted on my home office wall that tracks invoice dates, projects in queue, upcoming deadlines, possible blog topics, etc.
I dedicate a portion of every morning, plus a full hour each week, plus a half-day each month, to carefully plan and write down everything that I have upcoming.
This is my best productivity tip because it frees up mental resources. When you write down everything – and I mean everything, including when to eat, sleep, and exercise – you never have to wonder what to do next, or end up with a deadline sneaking up on you. You simply refer to your plan each day, and then execute. That is it.
There’s no time for thinking when you’re deep in the trenches.
Kevin Duncan from Be A Better Blogger
It sounds overly simplistic, but the best productivity tip I can give someone is to identify “procrastination” as the enemy, and treat it as such. Or, to put it another way, don’t put off the important things. Do them first. Make them priorities.
If you want to get in shape, exercise right after waking up each day. If you’re creating a product, work on it while drinking your morning cup of coffee. When you do the important things first, when you prioritize them, you strip procrastination of its power.
Procrastination wants you to put off those important things until the next day. And then the next day. And then the next.
Don’t let it. Show procrastination who’s the boss. Roundhouse kick it in the face. Do the important things first each day.
Paul Back from Earn A Living Blogging
My favorite productivity tips are to use Google Calendar to schedule things to do, as it forces you to keep a schedule. I also like to prepare my social media accounts ahead of time so using postcron.com is a big help.
In my niche it’s pretty smart to use a lot of landing pages, and LeadPages is a tool that I use often. It not only saves me quite a lot of time, but it also gives me a good return on investment. I guess my advice is to find the tools that help you achieve what you need to do, often they are available for free, all it takes is a bit of research and experimentation to find something that will be really useful.
Peter Banerjea from FreeMind PitStop
Being ‘busy’ and productive are two different things. Therefore, the most important productivity principle I am following right now is the Pareto Principle. To focus on doing only those 20% of activities that add 80% of the value to my business goals.
I make a list of every activity that my business does. If an activity doesn’t add compelling value to my goals, I minimize or eliminate it – not just outsource or delegate. When you actually measure the correct metrics, it’s actually amazing to see how much of your to-do list you can eliminate!
I believe that it`s a lot more meaningful to spend more time with people who matter and do other things we love rather than hang around at work being ‘busy’ over things that don’t add value.
Matthew Loomis from Build Your Own Blog
Putting a deadline on everything I do. Then doing everything I can to meet the deadline.
This applies to even the most routine things in my day. For example, when I check email, I’ll set a time deadline, and use a timer to make sure I stick to it.
Setting a self-imposed deadline is really important to productivity. The deadline becomes a goal to achieve. This helps me avoid distractions. Like when it’s time to do something social media related, I’ll have my task and the purpose of the task down on paper, and then I set a deadline to get it done, which helps me stay away from the social media rabbit trails that so easily waste our time.
Fabrizio Van Marciano from Magnet4Blogging
The best thing I started doing this year was to stop trying to multitask! Multitasking sucks and if anyone has read The One Thing by Gary Keller, they’ll appreciate why. This was what was happening to me, I was trying to focus on 5 or 6 goals throughout the week and you know what? I was lucky if I accomplished anyone of them.
When your attention is divided on multiple objectives, you not only make mistakes, but you also lose interest and enthusiasm.Your focus and clarity is on too many things. The result is that your productivity goes out of the window, and after a while of doing this you can become stagnant.
My productivity tip is to focus on nothing each week but one goal, one aim, one objective, one mission. Whether your goal is to create an amazing blog post, or record an awesome video, or start writing an eBook, or to prepare for a product launch, it doesn’t matter what it is, do nothing but work on completing that one goal, that one thing!
With no other obstacles or tasks to clutter your mind, you’ll feel a lot more focused and motivated for being productive and reaching your one goal each week, I truly believe that’s how I’m able to make ‘real’ progress in my business.
Deborah Tutnauer from DeborahTutnauer
Have you ever noticed that there is never even the thought of procrastination in a life or death situation? In emergencies, we act. We don’t sit and contemplate, nor do we shy away from the tasks at hand by filling the time with more mundane activities. We focus and we do what must be done, or at least the best that we can do. A dear friend of mine and his daughter were trekking in Nepal, just one stop away from their final destination of the Everest Base Camp, when the earthquake and subsequent EBC avalanche occurred. My friend is one of the medical tour guides for a US based adventure company. You can bet that there was no procrastination – no “just a moment while I enjoy these glacier lily’s” – no “I’d like to finish cleaning my toenails before we hike down”. There was only intensely focused deliberation on the best and safest course of action and then engagement.
I teach that procrastination is an outcome that develops from lack of purpose and passion, or from fear. When you take the time to look at the seeds of your own procrastinating behavior, you will notice that it does not occur in times of passion, joy, or engagement in the intense experience of psychological peak flow. Procrastination instead occurs when we are faced with tasks that hold low interest, or that trigger emotions of fear, dread or boredom. When the activity in front of you opens a channel to old stories– when it elicits fears, whether conscious or sub-conscious – it is easy to stall and justify it!
Thus, you can learn all types of techniques for preventing or breaking through habits of procrastination, but the reality is that those are just Band-Aids for the truth of the issue. The real cure for procrastination is to live a life of clarity and purpose and to break through old stories and fears that result in stalling behavior. Once that is your foundation, even mundane related tasks can be approached and accomplished without delay. It is that simple and yet that challenging and profound!
Brandon Yanofsky from WP Radius
I find I am most productive in my business when I am comfortable. For me, that means moving around all day. I’ll work a few hours at a coffee shop, then go home and work, then go to my mother`s house for a bit.
I also wake up at 4:30 every morning and go to the gym, eat breakfast, and start the morning with something fun. For me that is doing some coding. Those few extra hours each morning really start adding up.
Lauren Tharp from LittleZotz Writing
What’s my best productivity tip? This might sound like I’m dishing out advice on Opposite Day, but I’ve honestly found that the best thing I’ve ever done for my productivity is taking days off. Each week, I try to take at least one full day off. And it’s done wonders for my productivity, and my health in general.
As a freelancer, it can be all too easy to fall into a pattern of non-stop work. After all, when we don’t work, we don’t get paid – so why wouldn’t we work as much as possible? And, believe me, I’ve been there! I’ve gone up to three months without a single day off several times. And, in 2013, I went the full year without socializing with anyone offline!
For a while, it’s pretty awesome. You feel productive and like you’re really making strides forward in your career. But, you will get burned out. It took me a long time to reach that point, but, when I did, I realized that not only was I feeling terrible (mentally and physically), the quality of my work had also taken a hit.
Starting in September 2014, I made it a mandatory part of my workweek to take a day off. And you know what? I’m more productive than ever! I get more done for more money with less actual work and way less stress. And if that’s not living the freelance dream, I don’t know what is!
Codrut Turcanu from CodrutTurcanu
Expert roundup blog posts play a key role in my Internet activity.
I use them to connect with top bloggers, niche experts and key influencers in the field.
This type of content is great for leveraging other people’s traffic, connections and more importantly, their know-how and insights.
For me to keep up with the hundreds of daily emails I manage, and constant read of responses, I have to manage my energy levels — not just time.
It hurts the eyes to stay up till the midnight (and sometimes by 3 a.m.)
That’s why I make an effort to wake up at 5 a.m. no matter what — when I’m the freshest for this type of work.
This is my productivity secret, it’s what works for me, and it may work for you too.
Enjoy and follow me on Twitter if you like what I’m doing.
Nathan Ambrose from NathanAmbrose
A great productivity tip that I’ve been using for several years is mind mapping, often referred to as brainstorming.
The objective is to have the key idea on paper (or on a screen) with sub-ideas etc. extending from it. It’s a very quick and efficient way of taking and organizing notes. Points can be moved about easily, and everything can be seen simultaneously in context.
An example of how I used one recently is in my post How to Write Quality Targeted Content to Win Better Clients.
Mind maps are not only great for organizing ideas for myself or clients. They make all sorts of presentations much easier, and for public speaking they promote extemporaneous speaking instead of being tied to notes. As a result, audience contact is much improved. Their flexibility also enables me to leave points out or vary the time I spend on each, due to the whole context being seen at once.
As a productivity tip, I recommend mind mapping very highly. It has benefitted me for years, some clients that I’ve created them for, and friends that I’ve taught.
Use them to save time and improve presentation.
Andrew Warner from Shade Of Info
I have several productivity tips but I’ll share two with you today. The first tip I have is that I work on multiple blog posts at once. The reason for this is that I don’t get fatigued on any one particular topic and can interchange them whenever I feel as though I can’t write any more about it at the moment. At times, I may be working on 5 posts at once in a day. And even though it may seem counterproductive, it actually works for me and helps my creativity.
The second productivity tip I have, and that compliments the first tip I shared, is that I time myself. I know a lot of people have talked about working in allotted time slots. Meaning, setting a specific amount of time to do something and don’t stop doing it until that allotted time is up. For example, I might spend 30 minutes working exclusively on a blog post then when that time expires, I may spend 60 minutes on promotion. Then 25 minutes visiting other blog and then another 60 minutes on blog posts.
But rather than any online tools, I just use a regular stopwatch.
This is something I do on a daily basis — and it works for me.
Ash Read from GetNudge
Plan your day. As an entrepreneur you always have an ever-growing to do list, bouncing between tasks can be a huge issue when it comes to productivity. In order to remain productive throughout the day I plan out my tasks using my calendar in advance – allowing allotted periods of time for each job on my list and small amounts of time for unscheduled work like answering emails or tweets.
Barry Moore from The Active Marketer
Know your personal rhythm. There are certain hours of the day when you are the most productive, Golden Hours, I call them. A golden hour is worth two or three of your less productive hours. Make sure you aren’t wasting them with non-productive tasks like email. Mine are in the morning so I block those out and make sure I am using them on the most important tasks, like content creation. I don’t even look at my email before 11:00 am, because I know it is a time thief, do the most important things first.
Jason Will from ZipKick
Minimize the number of meetings you accept by asking qualifying questions. For example:
– What’s the purpose of this meeting?
– Who will be involved?
– Can we handle this via email?
Also, ask yourself if the timing is appropriate based on the company’s direction. Time is something you cannot replace so make the most of it.
David Amerland from DavidAmerland
In my kind of work everything appears to be priority. Analysis reports need to be written to guide large investment initiatives, books need to be finished, book proposals need to be started, articles have deadlines and client strategy sessions require my attention. In the meantime research papers continue to pile up, waiting to be read and content for my own website needs to be written. It is easy to become overwhelmed, lose focus and let things spin out of control. The only way I manage to remain on top of everything is by making sure I start the day by completing on thing on my list. It creates the right frame of mind in terms of retaining control and being productive and it rubs off on the rest of the day and helps me maintain my focus.
It’s a strategy that’s evolved with trial and error over the years as my workload has increased, what I do has become more and more fragmented and yet the hours available in each day have perversely remained the same. I’ve found that creating the mindset that gives you a total sense of control is more important than putting in place complex strategies or using a long list of productivity tools. The day is likely to become challenging, unexpected issues will come up and distraction on my time and attention will happen. No tool is really prepared to help you deal with all that. A prepared mid however, that feels that it is in control, takes all of this in its stride.”
Matthew Capala from Search Decoder
My number one productivity hack involves decluttering. To me being productive doesn’t mean working faster, rather it’s about your ability to slow down (especially when you get busy), intensifying your focus around a couple of key objectives. First, I identify the 20% of my business ventures that generate 80% of my revenue and then emphasize these activities out of all proportions. Second, I invest in new ventures. Not the other way around. Ultimately, you will need to say ‘no’ to a lot of things to be able to say ‘yes’ to the projects that will maximize your efforts. Saying ‘no’ and ‘tune off’ often to declutter your day to make room for the couple things you want to accomplish that day is both art and science; it’s where productivity flourishes.
Erlend Bakke from You Will Never Work Again
It´s the daily update!
Get your key people to send you a daily update every day. This holds them accountable to themselves and yourself.
At the end of the day they need to send you the date + hours worked,
and then answer three questions:
1. What I did today
2. Challenges I encountered
3. Questions I have for you
This strategy saved me 20 hours a week!
Jomer Gregorio from CJG Digital Marketing
Here’s what I personally do and have my staffs follow it as well.
1. Create categories for each tasks you must do, i.e accounting, operation, sales, marketing, etc.
2. Jot down each tasks for each categories and number them according to their importance
3. Do the most important tasks and prioritize them until it’s done. Proceed to the other lesser important tasks and so on.
I want to be very clear that this method is not mine. I developed it overtime by listening to self-development leaders like Earl Nightingale, Brian Tracy, Napoleon hill, etc.
Drew Briney from A New Breed Of Dragon
I’m an attorney by profession, an author by passion, and a juggler by moonlight. And I have a very large family. Keeping myself at optimal efficiency is probably the most challenging part of my life. I’m sold on Stephen Covey’s “First Things First” principle but Tony Robbins recently shifted how I apply that principle at work. Tony encourages us spend an hour every day sharpening our saws by feeding our mind, body, and soul. This “Hour of Power” is similar to Covey’s first things first principle – but Tony places personal fulfillment as the first priority of the day. That is the opposite of what I once understood from Covey’s teaching.
Shockingly, I make more money as an attorney than I do as an author. In light of that fact, pragmatic considerations suggested that a first things first strategy required putting my legal practice before my writing passion. For years, I wrote books only after my attorney work was finished for the day. Recently, I converted to Tony’s methodology by writing first thing in the morning (because it fills my soul) and then working on legal work afterwards (a la John Grisham). That decision massively impacted my productivity. Not only did I write an entire sci-fi-fantasy novel in roughly four months, I found that I was getting more work done at the office as well. Why?
There were some pragmatic reasons: it is difficult to be creative after dealing with disgruntled clients suffering through some of life’s greatest challenges and it isn’t exactly easy to write fluid, happy prose after drafting argumentative, aggressive legalese. But there was something more primeval at play: by first filling my happiness cup through writing, I was better able to plow through the difficult challenges of my law practice. I’ve increased productivity at the law office. But now I’m writing more and I’m happier.
Luke Jordan from Intergeek
My favorite productivity tip is one that has born out of my own hatred for losing – be jealous of your competition.
In blogging, everyone is friendly with one another, regardless of the fact we’re competing. I love making friends with new bloggers online, and I’m always super happy when I see them doing well…but it doesn’t mean I’m not envious of their success, because I really am. I use this envy to consistently motivate me to do better.
By monitoring metrics like backlinks and social followings of my competitors, along with looking at any other stats they talk about in their posts such as subscriber counts or Analytics data, I can set myself targets to overtake people.
Each time I reach the goals that I’ve set, I feel a little bit smug for about 5 minutes…before sighting my next targets. There’ll always be someone outperforming you, so make sure you’re doing all that you can to catch up and overtake them.
If you are here, you have probably not read the whole list of productivity tips from the experts.
And I totally understand, because that is a HUGE collection of productivity tips, right?
I would strongly advice you to bookmark this page for future reference. Because these productivity tips can help you to create more time and money in your life and business.
However, as Napoleon Hill said: “Knowledge is not power. Application of knowledge is power.”
It doesn`t matter if you know all the best productivity tips, if you don`t IMPLEMENT them.
I know that this post includes a truckload of productivity tips and it may seem a bit overwhelming.
Relax and breathe.
I will suggest that you pick 1 productivity tip that you aren`t already using in your life, and implement it today.
Apply the new tip for a week and then come back here and let me know how that worked out. I would love to know.
What is your experience with creating more time in your life?
What did you do with the extra time?
Here`s what to do next…
Do you want this post with the 80 awesome experts as a PDF file?
Clicking on the image below to get the PDF file + my free eBook “Insane Productivity Hacks” showing you a step-by-step system to DOUBLE your productivity in 7 days.
Tor Refsland
I help online entrepreneurs NETWORK with influencers and position their BRAND so they can attract the right CLIENTS fast. Award-winning blogger.
Great round up post honored to be included among these experts. Some top advice especially from Neil (I spent way too much time on emails and FB etc, checking it regular).
Thanks for stopping by Stuart.
Yeah, this list is massive and includes a lot of great tips, including yours 😉
Thanks for the contribution 🙂
I can’t thank you enough for including me in such a powerful list of amazing individuals. I will definitely help you to share it.
This post is making my head spin. I think you applied too much awesome sauce 😉
– Brent
Thanks for stopping by, Brent.
The pleasure is all mine.
LOL. Well, I agree that it perhaps is a bit too much awesome sauce. However, that is why I recommend people to bookmark this post and take several smaller sips over a longer period of time 😉
Hey Tor,
Monster roundup here my friend. Great job. I like Henneke’s advice about the working hours. That’s a great way to just be focused on getting the most important things done. Also, Pauline’s point about a weekly to-do list. That’s worked wonders for me.
Thanks for the inclusion here, Tor. Appreciate it.
– Andrew
Hi Andrew,
great to see you here, mate.
Yeah, this list is packed with 80 valuable advices!
A weekly to do list is a must, that is one of the reasons how I managed to increase my own productivity with 200 % 🙂
Thanks for your contribution, Andrew.
Whoa. This is an awesome resource!
Thanks for including me in it, Tor. You’ve put me in some great company 🙂
Thanks, Samar 🙂
The pleasure is all mine.
Thanks for your contribution 🙂 I would say that all 80 experts are in great company 😉
Hi Tor,
Thanks so much for including me.
What an incredible list of contributors and time management tips.
Love what you said in your summary about selecting one tip you have not yet tried and work on implementing that during your day.
Can’t wait to try some of them out as I continue to streamline and become even more productive during my day.
Best, Annemarie
Hi Annemarie.
Thanks a lot for your kind words and for your contribution.
Yes, this is a huge list, and it should be digested slowly, piece by piece, over a longer period of time 🙂
LEGENDARY list, mate! Thanks for including my mug.
Thanks for your kind words, Ramsay, and for your contribution.
The pleasure is all mine, mate 😉
Morning Tor,
Wow. That’s quite the list! Appreciate you allowing me to be a part of this–totally blown away at the magnitude of it and how diversified the personalities (and industries) are.
Looks like the overall vote is knowing yourself, both the strength’s and weaknesses, taking the time to schedule your day/work schedule (using technology where you can) and to avoid distractions.
Sounds like a winning system to me.
Well done.
Thanks for your kind words and your contribution, Jaime.
This was all about the common team effort 😉
The pleasure was all mine!
Yup, running your business around your own strengths, planning your schedule and being able to focus on your most important tasks first (without distractions) are definitely key ingredients to success 🙂
Hey Tor
Thanks for including me in this epic round-up. I really like Andrews idea of working on multiple posts at once – might try that out and see how it goes.
Thanks for stopping by, Paul, and for your contribution.
Yep, there are MANY great tips here 🙂
Try it out and let me know how it works out 🙂
So many familiar faces from the blogging trenches, great roundup Tor, thanks for including me among these 80 awesome productivity pros
Thanks, Matthew.
I really appreciate your kind words and your great contribution.
The pleasure is all mine 🙂
Wow! This definitely is a monster roundup as Andrew said. It doesn’t come easily. You must have gone through thick and thin to get these experts together.
Thanks for making me part of them Tor
Time to start sharing …
Thanks for your kind words, Enstine, and for your contribution.
To be quite honest, it didn`t take that much time.
It`s all about planning and batching the same type of activities together. If you do a monster roundup about productivity, it`s definitely a great advantage to be very productive 😉
Hi, Tor,
First of all, I love this group of bloggers! Almost all my friends and colleagues are represented.
And what terrific answers! I got some great ideas on productivity and some new tools I’m going to try out.
Thanks for the informative post.
Hi Sue,
thanks for stopping by and for your contribution.
Yes, this post contains many golden nuggets from 80 very smart people that are actually walking their talk 🙂
Hi Tor,
Wow, that’s a knock out post with so, so much information. It’s like your own little encyclopedia. I have to save it and read it carefully when I have time.
Thank you so much for including me. Really honored.
Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for your kind words and your contribution, Sylviane.
Yes, I am very proud of the great collection of good tips I have collected here. It`s all about the team effort, though 🙂
The pleasure is all mine.
Hey Tor – this was a massive undertaking, and really cool to see the themes that came out from all these super productive people.
Thanks for including me!
Hi Sonia,
thanks for stopping by to comment and for your contribution 🙂
The pleasure is all mine 🙂
Wow, what a great article Tor! Thanks for the mention, it’s an honor 🙂
Thanks for your kind words and contribution, John.
The pleasure and honor is all mine 😉
Hi Tor,
Awesome post indeed 🙂
Let me thank you first for adding my two cents along with so many experts here, and I appreciate your efforts put into this roundup post. I love all the wonderful productivity tips shared by everyone – what a lovely resource!
Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Hi Harleena.
Thanks for stopping by to comment and for your kind words.
Your contribution was a great asset among the 79 other experts 🙂
Have a great week!
Wow! So much productivity goodness in here 🙂
I’m super happy that you offered the chance for me to be a part of this, Tor. Thank you!
Definitely some gems in here that I’ll try – including batching tasks and Friday planning days.
Thanks for your kind words, Jenna, and for your contribution.
You have all contributed to this epic list of awesome productivity tips 🙂
The pleasure is all mine 🙂
Hi, Tor.
Thank you for including me in this list of top bloggers.
I had a quick read through, and it is full of gems. It’s true that time and money go together (I have neither) so these examples will help a lot.
I’m bookmarking this to refer to again and again, and also to make new connections.
Thanks for sharing these tips.
Thanks for your kind words and your contribution, Nathan.
Yes, I do firmly believe that this will be an epic resource on productivity tips for several years to come 😉
Hey Tor,
What a great roundup and I loved reading through what everyone does. Sounds like there is a lot we all have in common and that’s why I always tell people to plan your time out and schedule everything. Stop wasting it on things that aren’t going to bring you great results.
I know a lot of people approach me all the time about contributing to things like this too but they aren’t think of our “time”… We need to schedule everything in and that’s so important.
Great share, fabulous contributors and loved what they all had to say.
Thank you for including me too.
Hi Adrienne,
thanks for your kind words and for your contribution.
Yes, a very important factor when it comes to completing a project that is depending on a team effort, is to respect other people`s time.
When you respect other people`s time, they have a tendency to start respecting your time as well.
It`s funny how that works out? 😉
What a great compilation Tor!
So many wonderful nuggets of wisdom contained in this roundup!
I’m honored to be one of the 80! Loving learning from the other 79!
Thanks for your kind words, Deborah 🙂
The pleasure is all mine. Your addition was a wonderful contribution to the post 🙂
It was a team effort 🙂
Hi, Tor,
Excellent strategies and actionable tips – overall great share, and I’m grateful to be a part. Thanks!
I think Ryan Biddulph had a great point that I also implement daily:
He starts every day on mindset.
Will come back to this over and over, I’m sure.
Sharing out…
˜Carol Amato
Thanks for your kind words and for your contribution, Carol 🙂
Yes, starting the day with a positive mindset is key 🙂
There are so many great tips here, that I will be using this as a reference when it comes to great productivity tips.
Thanks for sharing it, my friend.
Hi Tor,
This is the very best round up of awesome people I’ve ever seen. Some I know and others I don’t. Yes, a good idea to bookmark this page to get in touch with many I have resonated with.
Each person you have brought in has their own unique way of sharing their productivity tips. And when it comes to being productive, there are never enough of tips one could have.
I thank you for doing such an incredible job with this post.
Thanks for stopping by to comment, Donna.
I really appreciate your kind words and your contribution.
I must honestly admit that I am very proud of the all-star team that are included in this post. However, it`s all about the team effort 🙂
It`s important to not become overwhelmed by all the tips, but to pick one new productivity tip and implement it.
Once you have implemented one productivity tip, and have used it successfully for a week or two, then you can implement another one.
That is also one of the best ways to create new habits. You pick one activity and sticks with it until it`s second nature and has become a habit. Then, and only THEN, should you start to implement another new habit.
Brilliant post (couldn’t read every one, sorry, but I did skim read a few…)
Completely agree with the mulit-tasking one…doing one task at a time is the way to go.
Thanks for taking the time to research this, contact the people involved, and compile it…will certainly bookmark it (you could even turn it into a mini-ebook;-)
Thanks again
Thanks for your kind words and for your tip, Julian.
This was a team effort, it`s not that hard to put together such a post, when you got help from all the awesome experts.
Btw, it doesn`t really take that much time to put together such a post, if you know how to plan your day, use the 80/20 rule and batch the same type of tasks together 🙂
Humbled to be included with this group, but I think the term ‘experts’ is overused, I would say that these are the people that ‘get it!’
Hi Scott,
thanks a lot for stopping by to comment and for your great contribution.
Yes, I agree with what you are saying, mate.
This list is indeed of 80 people that ’get it’ 🙂
Hey Tor,
This was a great list of experts Tor. time is very important especially if you have limited time. It s great to see how a lot of the bloggers I came to know manage their time to be productive.
I’ve noticed quite a few use a calendar which can be helpful to a lot time for your everyday time. I think above all, the one tip that really resonated with me is having clarity. This lays out the foundation of having rime to be productive and getting the results you want!
Thanks for sharing and you have a great weekend!
Hi Sherman,
thanks for stopping by to comment and for your kind words.
Yes, a calendar is key when it comes to keeping track of all the tasks that needs to get done to specific times during your workweek.
80/20 rule, time-tracking and calendar (as a to do list) works like a charm 🙂
That’s a very inspirational compendium.
Lots of bits and pieces and approaches in here.
Thanks for stopping by to comment, Alex.
I really appreciate it 🙂
Hey Tor,
30% of what I know about productivity has to be credited to Craig Jarrow.
Therefore, it is indeed an honor to be included here along with him.
I must say that you have done an excellent job on this post. We are all proud!
Thanks for your kind words and your contribution, Peter.
Yes, Craig is the bomb 🙂
However, I do believe that all the 80 people who `get it` do look good in each other`s company 😉
Thank you for having me included in this awesome, power-packed productivity list, Tor! You’ve done a great job of bringing together a group of very interesting people who are doing the do in the blogging arena 🙂
Going straight to my bookmarks-bar!
Hi Pooja,
thanks for your kind words and for your contribution 🙂
I really appreciate you stopping by.
Thank you, Tor, for including me in this awesome roundup. I am flattered and honored to be in a post with such heavy influencers.
I have also picked up some great information by reading through the perspectives and tool used by others.
Great job, Tor.
And thank you for the opportunity to participate.
Thank for your kind words and for your contribution, Martina.
The pleasure was all mine 🙂
Yes, there are indeed many golden nuggets here.
Have a great day!
I learned a lot of new ways here that I might integrate to my existing process.
That’s the coolest thing about this topic, you need to keep improving to optimize your time
Thanks for the opportunity Tor!
Thanks for stopping by, Dennis.
Yes, there are a lot of great tips included here 🙂
Thanks a lot for your contribution.
Thanks so much for the mention Tor! What a list!!
Thanks for the comment and the contribution 🙂
The pleasure was all mine, mate.
Thanks for inviting me to be a part of such an EPIC post Tor! Looking forward to going through some of the recommendations from everyone. There’s so much valuable information here that can be applied on an everyday basis to get the right things done.
Thanks for your kind words, Christian.
Your contribution was of big help 🙂
Thanks for Sharing.
Thanks for commenting, Johny.
The pleasure is all mine 🙂
Big ass high five for this epic resource AND for letting me contribute to it, Tor! It’s definitely bookmark worthy fo show.
ROCK ON, brotha… 😉
LOL. Thanks, Andrea.
Your contribution was a great addition to the rest of the 79 experts.
Thanks a lot for you contribution 🙂
Honored to be on this list and grateful for the opportunity to learn from all the others. Beautiful, actionable ideas! 🙂
Hi Anthony.
Thanks for stopping by and for your contribution.
The pleasure was all mine, mate.
Woww, this is really great post..
Get some many advices and encouragements for these giant experts.
I’m happy that I know some of these experts 🙂
Thanks for shared this awesome post Tor
Hi Thyrone,
thanks for stopping by to comment.
I really appreciate your kind words 🙂
Have an awesome day!
I always believe in, what gets measured gets improved and applying this logic to time tracking is an ideal way to grow individually as a contributer. Thank you for the great work Tor!
Hi Kevin,
thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.
I totally agree with what you are saying.
Time tracking is key when it comes to measuring the time you spend on your activities.
And the best part?
It will become very clear to you which areas that need to be improved.
Have a great day.
Hello Tor,
That’s the HUGE list! And all are pretty impacting from great folks that how they remain productive which is why everyone of them are successful and ringing the bells!
I was a victim of multitasking. Actually was good at it on my peak times but today, after a few years of doing this almost everyday, I hate it so much.
I hate it because I am not where I had to be OR at least near to be. It’s all the fault of multitasking where I ended up all my productivity doing things I had to give less importance to.
I am getting out of that state. Dealing with one task at a time and referencing my daily schedule to do this at this time. Not do this at that time.
Multitasking is for sure the killer of productivity. My humble advice to everyone; don’t multitask to remain energetic and productive.
And its worth to share! 🙂
~ Adeel
Hi Adeel,
thanks for stopping by.
Yeah, it`s a pretty HUGE list with awesome people.
I really appreciate you sharing from your experience.
I totally agree with what you are saying.
Multitasking is indeed a productivity killer.
Have a great weekend.
Wow! This definitely is a monster roundup as Andrew said. It doesn’t come easily. You must have gone through thick and thin to get these experts together.
Thanks a lot, Sneha.
I really appreciate your kind words.
It took a “little bit” of time, yes 😉
What a HUGE posts you’ve got here. Five stars for you bro, you’ve really done a great job!
Keep rockin contents like this!
Cheers! 🙂
Hey Tom,
thanks a lot for your kind words. I really appreciate it 🙂
I am glad that you found my content useful.
Stay awesome!
Hey Tor,
Some great tips, something that’s needed when returning from the holidays! I also think it’s important to keep your performance and your desk tidy and organised too, Something so simple can make all the difference.
Thanks for the shared empathic article and enjoyed to read!
Christina Lynn
Thanks for your kind words, Christina.
I really appreciate you stopping by 🙂
A tidy desk never hurts 😉
Hi Tor,
Excellent ideas. I find I have to brutally segment my day and limit some activities especially those involving social media. There’s so much content available and my constantly roving mind have led me to limit the time I spend there. Also, goals and deadlines are essential to productivity.
I really enjoyed to reading this article and getting bunches of information from it.
Thanks a lot for your kind words Angellina 🙂
I`m glad that you found my post useful.
Have a great day!
Hi Tor,
Great Post Indeed!
In given getting more information of productivity of any business, most of the blogger I know them, they’re made the market of online and huge impact on Social media. One of my favorite blogger where I learned more from that blogger is Neil Patel, he is awesome man, and the help of Newbie.
Thanks for shared an emphatic article and for guidance knew about new Blogger. Thumb’s up.. 🙂
Hey Nicole,
thanks for your comment.
I really appreciate it. Comments like yours makes all the hard work and effort totally worth it 😉
Have a great weekend!
thanks for sharing this amazing post , Since long time i never read big & full of knowledge you have compiled a great list of the enterpreniur & their tips will certainly given some lesson on how to manage my time.
Thanks for your kind words, Seema 🙂
Hi Tor,
Great Post Indeed!
High five! *SLAP*
Thanks for the share, One important tip to be mentioned.. stay away from social medias for improving productivity. It helps a lot, but as a digital marketer it would be tough for a guy to get rid of social medias completely. Some of the tips mentioned are worth trying. Thanks again for the share 🙂
Thanks for commenting, Sherly.
Yes, social media can definitely be a time suck.
Have a super day!
Its a pretty long post but seeing some of my favorite bloggers on thie list i kept reading and i must confess i enjoyed reading this post from start to finish.Excellient roundup.
Thanks for your kind words, Kaycee 🙂
Yup, it´s a HUGE post filled with awesomeness.
It´s not ranked on #3 on Google for nothing 😉
Have a super day!
this post has some incredible motivational stuff indeed, well I would pump and print these tips on a sheet and make my husband follow them as well 😛
Awesome, Juni.
Glad that you found my post helpful.
Rock on! 🙂
Tor, this is EPIC!
Thanks so much for all this work and sharing it. I’m such a productivity nerd, this post had me salivating.
Next time you do something like this, I’d love to add my two cents!
Hey Jacob,
thanks for your great comment.
LOL, I really liked you saying: “I’m such a productivity nerd, this post had me salivating.”
You are bomb, man 🙂
Sure, Jacob. I will have keep you in mind for my next roundup.
Have an awesome day!
Thanks for sharing this productivity tips.
My pleasure, Rahul 🙂
Glad that you found it useful.
It’s really hard to juggle all the stuff you have to do a day, especially if you have a day job and a blog to manage. In order to work on everything successfully, we all learn how to work smarter. Thank you so much for this post and for your effort of rounding up those insights with other leaders. Cheers!
Hey Andrew, thanks a lo for commenting.
Yes, the big difference between very successful people and the rest, is that they are just spending their 24 hours in a more effective way 😉
Glad that you found this post useful.
Have a super day!
Business is always a struggle and to lessen the fears of failure on it, it is wise to get help in how to run it.
Well said, Scott.
Thanks for commenting 🙂
hi nice post according my best product tip is social media because people spend hours in social media it is best way to reach audiences direct to tips of the experts are wonderful thanks for sharing it
Thanks for commenting. I really appreciate it.
If you mean that regarding building your brand and engaging with your tribe, social media is the a great way, I agree. That being said, too many people waste too much time on social media by just “checking” what´s going on.
Have a great day!
Hi Tor
Undoubtedly, these are the experts well known for their productivity talent. I loved this article because all these experts have shared their best productivity tips.
And I loved the tips given by Neil Patel and Adam Connell. Giving the proper attention to the emails indeed a great productivity tips.
It helps in many other ways and increase productivity. Nowadays people are trying their hard to be perfect in it. Thanks for sharing this amazing article with us. 😀
Thanks a lot for your kind words, Chetan 🙂
Yes, there are so many awesome productivity tips from successful entrepreneurs in this post.
They all did a great work.
Have a super day!
awesome blog…….thanks for sharing this….all these tips/ideas from experienced people…helped us to grow easily and quickly…..these are really motivating and awesome tips from everyone…