Awesome seeing you here!
Let´s do a high five!
I am super pumped today.
Because I am going to show you something pretty cool.
And I haven´t shared this with ANYONE else yet. Not even to my high-end coaching clients nor my baby daughter Luna.
When I tell her that I told you FIRST, she´ll probably become a bit cranky.
The consequence? I will probably be bitten in the leg or kicked in the head when I´m lying on the sofa after I´ve eaten dinner.
But no worries. It´s nothing that hasn´t happened before.
Back to the pretty cool stuff.
It´s something I call…
*Drum roll*
The Focus Beam System
You already know my style, so I´ll keep this short and straight to the point.
Let me ask you a question…
Do you really want a business breakthrough?
Duh! Of course you do.
Then you need to get this…
the only thing that will STOP your from having a business breakthrough…
…is you NOT focusing on the right activities that will bring you the biggest results.
Remember in lesson 3 when we talked about the Key Momentum Metrics?
I assume you did the homework, right?
Sure, you did. It was a part of our deal.
If you haven´t done it already, please do it now.
Note: By proceeding with this lesson BEFORE you have done the exercise in the previous lesson, you are not fooling me.
You are actually only fooling yourself.
But you already knew that.
In the last exercise you identified the 1-2 momentum metrics in your business, and you identified the exact activities that you NEED to do in order to improve those metrics.
The biggest challenge for us entrepreneurs and business owners, is that we don´t have a system to keep our focus us on track.
Here is the system…
Note: This will be a dead-simple overview to show you the point. And if you have a degree in physics, you can probably find a more complex and accurately way to explain the laser beam analogy below. Here, we´ll just keep it simple.
Short description:
The two lines illustrates the sides of a laser beam, which will cut through ANYTHING.
But the only way for the waves of light to turn into a laser beam, is for all the waves of light to be sent in the same direction, exactly parallel to one another (geeky explanation, I know).
Here´s the point…
If one of the waves of light will go in another direction, the laser beam´s power will be reduced.
The same goes for your FOCUS in your business.
You need to have focus on the specific activities that improve your Key Momentum Metrics.
Template (not sexy, but efficient):
2017 Jan 2017 Dec Potential Gain
1 day
1 day
1 day
1 day
1 day
We´ll keep the example dead-simple in order to illustrate the point.
Let´s assume that you work 5 days in a week, and you will focus on 1 specific activity every day.
Your 2 Key Momentum Metrics are:
– Amount of sales (direct impact on your revenue)
– Amount of big websites featured on (direct impact on your authority)
Then we break down the 2 Key Momentum Metrics to these activities:
– Get new leads (impacts sales)
– Call leads (impacts sales)
– Get featured on big websites (impacts authority)
Let´say that in this example the best way to spend your time is:
– 3 days per week on getting new leads
– 1 day per week on calling leads
– 1 day per week on getting featured on big websites
It will look like this
2017 Jan 2017 Dec Potential Gain
3 days – Get new leads 6 calls per week
1 day – Call leads 2 sales per week
1 day – Get featured on big websites Featured on 1 big website per week
If you focus on the activities above every week for a whole year, you will be able to have the following:
(Let´s say that you have 4 weeks of vacation.)
Then your result in a year would be…
48 weeks x 6 calls per week = 288 calls
48 weeks x 2 sales per week = 96 sales
48 weeks x featured on 1 big website per week = featured on 48 big websites
Those numbers are kind of CRAZY, right?
You would have made 96 sales. And If you were selling a coaching program / product that costs $2000, that would be $192 000 in a year!
And you would have gotten featured on 48 places!
Note: Just switch out the $2000 with the price of the service / product you offer.
That´s one heck of a year!
In the start of this course I promised to be completely honest with you.
And I don´t want to burst your bubble.
But here´s the thing…
The Hard Facts Why This Won´t Work For Most People
Let´s cut to the chase.
You could give the best blueprint in the world to 100 people, and probably only 1 person would follow through with the blueprint.
Of the other 99 people…
…some would be looking for the next shiny object (read:blueprint)
…some would lose the blueprint
…some would not use the blueprint at all
…some would think that it was too scary to try something new (even though it has been battle tested) and they would do nothing
…some would follow the blueprint in 1 week, and when they didn´t get extraordinary results after 1 week, they would quit.
But what´s even worse…
is that majority of the people who REALLY are committed to grow their business FASTER than ever before…
in order to get a REAL business breakthrough…
and experience the best business year ever…
would use the blueprint COMPLETELY WRONG.
Because I am not going to sugar coat this.
Building a business is pretty freakin´ hard.
Even though you have this blueprint.
Which works.
Honestly, Ask Yourself This…
Do you really know the right Key Momentum Metrics in your business?
Are you able to identify the absolute best activities that will move the needle?
And suppose that you got all of the above correct (which would be extraordinary), are you then able to stay committed every single day to focus on only these activities?
What if your activities that are currently generating new leads suddenly stop working, what then?
When Murphy (read: Murphy´s Law) kicks your ass, how will bounce back without losing momentum?
And If you decide that you want to work less, while earning more money, do you truly know which activities to eliminate and which to put more time into?
If you don´t. That´s TOTALLY okay.
Heck, I know that I didn´t know most of the questions above…
…for a long time.
Then I got freakin´ fed up fumbling in the dark and crawling uphill on glass shards.
So I decided to go WAY outside my comfort zone.
And in the last 6 years I have spent over six-figures on high-end courses, events, coaching, travelling and seminars.
In addition, I have been learning from THE best in the world.
Darn, even Noah Kagan who has been able to build 2 multi-million dollar businesses just wanted me to work full-time for him.
But I am going to turn him down.
Because I didn´t decided to leave one of the biggest companies in Norway, just to start in another company, regardless of how cool and successful the owner is.
I decided to leave…
because I wanted to help entrepreneurs like YOU make a big change in your life and business.
And to be honest, I have become really freakin´ good at what I am doing.
Yeah, you probably know that I was able to increase my hourly rate 15x in 1 year…
and increase my revenue with 20x within a year…
you might even know that I recently got published in a book with some of the best marketers in the world, like Seth Godin, Brian Clark, Chris Brogan, Grant Cardone and Yaro Starak.
But enough of the boring stuff.
What truly matters is that…
I Help Other People Kick *ss With Their Business
One of my clients was earning $1000 per month, and after 66 days working with me he had generated $100 000 in sales.
And another client will hit multiple seven-figures in 2017 (and he started from zero).
Yes, there were no typos in the two sentences above.
And I am looking to help a few driven entrepreneurs to totally crush it in their business.
But this isn´t for everyone.
It´s only for you, if you:
– Kick *ss at what you do
– Have a healthy business
– Sell a service / product successfully
– Want to take your existing business to the next level
– Know that you need to invest in yourself and your business in order to grow
– Are willing to go outside your comfort zone
– Want to have fun and apply massive action
It´s NOT for you, if you:
– Look for the next shiny object
– Look for get rich quick schemes
– Look for easy solutions, because you aren´t willing to put in the hard work
– Don´t have a healthy business
– You complain and make excuses
– Are a tire-kicker
Still there?
Cool, then you might be a good fit.
I only work with a few 1:1 clients at any given time, in order to help them awesome results.
Listen, here´s how this will work.
If are ready to take your business to the next level, follow the steps below.
Step 1:
Send an email to me by clicking the link below. Let the topic say “Tor, I want to apply for your coaching”.
Yes, I´m ready to be coached
Step 2:
I will send you a questionnaire that you will fill out and send back to me.
It´s nothing weird, I just need the basics about what you’re working on, what you sell, etc.
That way I can understand your situation before we talk and get right to business.
Here’s What Will Happen Next
If you qualify, we´ll jump on a call.
Your initial call will be between 30 and 45 minutes. This is where I really begin working to figure out exactly what you need, and how to make it happen.
At that point if you see the value in working together, great. We’ll talk and see if I’m able to take you on as a client.
If you don’t want to move forward, that’s fine too.
Worst case you would have received some free advice from me which will help you to generate more sales in your business.
Ultimately this is for people who take action and know a good opportunity when they see one.
If that’s you, today is the day you step up and take your business to the next level.
Click the button below to send me an email. Let the topic say “Tor, I want to apply for your coaching”.